Project Ideas

I have three potential project ideas I would like to see become a reality and though I'd planned to write equally about all of them, I looked back at the assessment PDF and realized I had to choose one, which I've done of the idea that interests me the most.

Emotional Antivirus

Strange working title perhaps, but after comtemplating the idea for severel months on and off it's really the best, shortest descriptive label I can give something that ultimately should do the same thing as any standard antivirus or antimalware software, with negative content being it's primary target.

In essence, I want to create a software system that will search content then filter-out anything a user decides they don't want to see, which sounds at first like a nanny-state thing until you ponder the possible applications for such a tool: imagine having the option to completely eliminate depression from your time online with software that can scan, detect and remove other peoples negativity and emotional offloading from your facebook, google results and websites as well as email and any other online platform or format you engage with.

Imagine being able to protect your children from not only porn and violent imagery, but protect them from other peoples sadness being absorbed into their brains but it could go beyond that: online bullying could be just stopped dead in it's tracks before it ever reaches your screen, suicidal loved ones could be protected from being pushed over the edge by things they read online that could easily result in their deciding they may as well go ahead and do it.

At my personal site, I've already written a PHP script that scans all text in a page and then colour-codes the post elements based on the mood and tone of the writing and updates everytime the page is loaded, so if I can create a simple script that does that on my own in only a day or two, what could be done with a real programming language and a team of programmers all working on a project together?

Removing negativity is only one side of the coin too: anyone would be able to pick and choose exactly the kind of content they want their eyeballs seeing by selecting the appropriate options so they might choose to only see inspirational, uplifting things or set a balnce between good and bad but with bullying and hate groups filtered-out.

I think this is perfectly doable and whether it eventuates in the form of software that's downloaded to a users computer or an app or a service that runs from the net to advise on the tone and content, it would be a very good tool to have access to for anyone why wants to limit the huge amount of input they're exposed to in everyday life just by using the internet as it is.

"Making the internet a better person - whether it likes it or not.."

Persona adopting AI and a Universal Web Stack

The other two ideas for projects I've had recently are a single, universal web-design stack that everyone can agree on because all the various technologies are really annoying and all over the place, plus an AI sustem that can scan the written word of authors - or anyone else who wants to write - then learn and adopt that authors persona and chat with people in that specific personality drawing on everything a person thinks, believes, feels and all traits or personality quirks the original human has.

Of course the first of those ideas will probably never happen because too many companies all compete to prove their technology is superior and doubtless truly believe it, while if an AI personality sponge was ever going to happen it would or will be google or microsoft or some other mega-corporation who impliments it,

Toss me an email or visit my personal site ﴿